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Creates a Schema object from the defined GraphQL string and inserts the provided descriptions, resolve methods, resolve_type methods into the appropriate place.


gqlr_schema(schema, ...)



GraphQL schema string or Schema object


named lists of information to help produce the schema definition. See Details


The ... should be named arguments whose values are lists of information. What information is needed for each type is described below.



function with two parameters: x (the raw to be parsed, such as 5.0) and schema (the full Schema definition). Should return a parsed value


(optional) single character value that describes the Scalar definition


(optional) function with two parameters: obj (a GraphQL wrapped raw value, such as an object of class IntValue with value 5) and schema (the full Schema definition). If the function returns NULL then the AST could not be parsed.



(optional) function with two parameters: x and schema (the full Schema definition). Should return the value x represents, such as the Star Wars Episode enum value "4" could represent Episode "NEWHOPE". By default, EnumTypeDefinitions will return the current value.


(optional) single character value that describes the Enum definition


(optional) named list of enum value descriptions. Such as values = list(ENUMA = "description for ENUMA", ENUMZ = "description for ENUMZ")



function with two parameters: x (place holder value to be expanded into a named list) and schema (the full Schema definition). By using the resolve method, recursive relationships, such as friends, can easily be handled. The resolve function should return a fully named list of all the fields the definition defines. Missing fields are automatically interpreted as NULL.

Values in the returned list may be a function of the form function(obj, args, schema) {...}. This allows for fields to be determined dynamically and lazily. See how add_human makes a field for totalCredits, while the add_droid pre computes the information.


(optional) single character value that describes the object


(optional) named list of field descriptions. Such as fields = list(fieldA = "description for field A", fieldB = "description for field B")

InterfaceTypeDefinition and UnionTypeDefinition:


function with two parameters: x (a pre-resolved object value) and schema (the full Schema definition). This function is required to determine which object type is being used. resolve_type is called before any ObjectTypeDefinition resolve methods are called.


(optional) single character value that describes the object


# \donttest{

## Set up data
add_human <- function(human_data, id, name, appear, home, friend) {
  human <- list(id = id, name = name, appearsIn = appear, friends = friend, homePlanet = home)
  # set up a function to be calculated if the field totalCredits is required
  human$totalCredits <- function(obj, args, schema) {
  human_data[[id]] <- human
add_droid <- function(droid_data, id, name, appear, pf, friend) {
  droid <- list(id = id, name = name, appearsIn = appear, friends = friend, primaryFunction = pf)
  # set extra fields manually
  droid$totalCredits <- length(droid$appearsIn)
  droid_data[[id]] <- droid

human_data <- list() %>%
  add_human("1000", "Luke Skywalker", c(4, 5, 6), "Tatooine", c("1002", "1003", "2000", "2001")) %>%
  add_human("1002", "Han Solo",       c(4, 5, 6), "Corellia", c("1000", "1003", "2001")) %>%
  add_human("1003", "Leia Organa",    c(4, 5, 6), "Alderaan", c("1000", "1002", "2000", "2001"))

droid_data <- list() %>%
  add_droid("2000", "C-3PO", c(4, 5, 6), "Protocol", c("1000", "1002", "1003", "2001")) %>%
  add_droid("2001", "R2-D2", c(4, 5, 6), "Astromech", c("1000", "1002", "1003"))

all_characters <- list() %>% append(human_data) %>% append(droid_data) %>% print()
#> $`1000`
#> $`1000`$id
#> [1] "1000"
#> $`1000`$name
#> [1] "Luke Skywalker"
#> $`1000`$appearsIn
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> $`1000`$friends
#> [1] "1002" "1003" "2000" "2001"
#> $`1000`$homePlanet
#> [1] "Tatooine"
#> $`1000`$totalCredits
#> function(obj, args, schema) {
#>     length(human$appearsIn)
#>   }
#> <environment: 0x55c60ac9e638>
#> $`1002`
#> $`1002`$id
#> [1] "1002"
#> $`1002`$name
#> [1] "Han Solo"
#> $`1002`$appearsIn
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> $`1002`$friends
#> [1] "1000" "1003" "2001"
#> $`1002`$homePlanet
#> [1] "Corellia"
#> $`1002`$totalCredits
#> function(obj, args, schema) {
#>     length(human$appearsIn)
#>   }
#> <environment: 0x55c60ac9f1d0>
#> $`1003`
#> $`1003`$id
#> [1] "1003"
#> $`1003`$name
#> [1] "Leia Organa"
#> $`1003`$appearsIn
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> $`1003`$friends
#> [1] "1000" "1002" "2000" "2001"
#> $`1003`$homePlanet
#> [1] "Alderaan"
#> $`1003`$totalCredits
#> function(obj, args, schema) {
#>     length(human$appearsIn)
#>   }
#> <environment: 0x55c60ac9c050>
#> $`2000`
#> $`2000`$id
#> [1] "2000"
#> $`2000`$name
#> [1] "C-3PO"
#> $`2000`$appearsIn
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> $`2000`$friends
#> [1] "1000" "1002" "1003" "2001"
#> $`2000`$primaryFunction
#> [1] "Protocol"
#> $`2000`$totalCredits
#> [1] 3
#> $`2001`
#> $`2001`$id
#> [1] "2001"
#> $`2001`$name
#> [1] "R2-D2"
#> $`2001`$appearsIn
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> $`2001`$friends
#> [1] "1000" "1002" "1003"
#> $`2001`$primaryFunction
#> [1] "Astromech"
#> $`2001`$totalCredits
#> [1] 3
## End data set up

# Define the schema using GraphQL code
star_wars_schema <- Schema$new()

enum Episode { NEWHOPE, EMPIRE, JEDI }
" %>%
    Episode = list(
      resolve = function(episode_id, schema) {
          "4" = "NEWHOPE",
          "5" = "EMPIRE",
          "6" = "JEDI",
  ) ->
# display the schema
#> <graphql definition>
#>   | enum Episode {
#>   |   NEWHOPE
#>   |   EMPIRE
#>   |   JEDI
#>   | }
# add the episode definitions to the Star Wars schema

interface Character {
  id: String!
  name: String
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]
" %>%
    Character = list(
      resolve_type = function(id, schema) {
        if (id %in% names(droid_data)) {
        } else {
  ) ->
# print the Character schema with no extra formatting
character_schema$get_schema() %>% format() %>% cat("\n")
#> interface Character {
#>   id: String!
#>   name: String
#>   friends: [Character]
#>   appearsIn: [Episode]
#> } 

type Droid implements Character {
  id: String!
  name: String
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]
  primaryFunction: String
type Human implements Character {
  id: String!
  name: String
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]
  homePlanet: String
" %>%
    Human = list(
      # Add a resolve method for type Human that takes in an id and returns the human data
      resolve = function(id, args, schema) {
    Droid = list(
      # description for Droid
      description = "A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.",
      # Add a resolve method for type Droid that takes in an id and returns the droid data
      resolve = function(id, schema) {
  ) ->
#> <graphql definition>
#>   | type Droid implements Character {
#>   |   id: String!
#>   |   name: String
#>   |   friends: [Character]
#>   |   appearsIn: [Episode]
#>   |   primaryFunction: String
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | type Human implements Character {
#>   |   id: String!
#>   |   name: String
#>   |   friends: [Character]
#>   |   appearsIn: [Episode]
#>   |   homePlanet: String
#>   | }

type Query {
  hero(episode: Episode): Character
  human(id: String!): Human
  droid(id: String!): Droid
# the schema type must be provided if a query or mutation is to be executed
schema {
  query: Query
" %>%
    Query = function(null, schema) {
        # return a function for key 'hero'
        # the id will be resolved by the appropriate resolve() method of Droid or Human
        hero = function(obj, args, schema) {
          episode <- args$episode
          if (identical(episode, 5) || identical(episode, "EMPIRE")) {
            "1000" # Luke Skywalker
          } else {
            "2001" # R2-D2
        # the id will be resolved by the Human resolve() method
        human = function(obj, args, schema) {
        # the id will be resolved by the Droid resolve() method
        droid = function(obj, args, schema) {
  ) ->
# print Schema with no extra formatting
schema_def$get_schema() %>% format() %>% cat("\n")
#> type Query {
#>   hero(episode: Episode): Character
#>   human(id: String!): Human
#>   droid(id: String!): Droid
#> }
#> schema {
#>   query: Query
#> } 

# view the final schema definitiion
#> <graphql definition>
#>   | enum Episode {
#>   |   NEWHOPE
#>   |   EMPIRE
#>   |   JEDI
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | type Droid implements Character {
#>   |   id: String!
#>   |   name: String
#>   |   friends: [Character]
#>   |   appearsIn: [Episode]
#>   |   primaryFunction: String
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | type Human implements Character {
#>   |   id: String!
#>   |   name: String
#>   |   friends: [Character]
#>   |   appearsIn: [Episode]
#>   |   homePlanet: String
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | type Query {
#>   |   hero(episode: Episode): Character
#>   |   human(id: String!): Human
#>   |   droid(id: String!): Droid
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | interface Character {
#>   |   id: String!
#>   |   name: String
#>   |   friends: [Character]
#>   |   appearsIn: [Episode]
#>   | }
#>   | 
#>   | schema {
#>   |   query: Query
#>   | }
# }